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The complete Advocacy, Communication, and Artifical Intelligence Training for Development and Humanitarian Professionals.

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Advocacy Communication & Artificial Intelligence Training

Course Duration: 4 days

Target: Directors, Policy Team, Advocacy Team, Spokespersons, Communications Team, Implementing partners,  Project Managers, Media Professionals

Modules: Advocacy: Key Messaging; Newsworthiness; Advocacy Strategy; Advocacy Campaigns; Key Messaging Part II: Elevator Pitches; Effective Writing; Public Speaking and Presentations; Communication Budgeting; Ethical Storytelling; Social Media; Photography and Storytelling through photography; Crisis Communication; Media Trends and Analysis; Artificial Intelligence for Advocacy Communication

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Advocacy is an activity by an individual or group that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social institutions. All organisations undertake advocacy, sometimes in form of robust campaigns, as part of their mandate or to help them promote their values, ideals, reports, recommendations, or the achievement of the SDGs.


An organisation that wishes to effect change can benefit enormously from sharing KEY messages EFFECTIVELY across multiple platforms. This helps the institution to achieve its goals by impacting decision makers, rallying stakeholders, and meeting the demands of its donors, while attracting new ones. It can also help to inform the public of the organisation and its purpose, as well as position the brand. Internally, it boosts the morale of staff and helps improve the quality of operations and staff retention. 


Communication and advocacy are closely linked: one cannot engage in any form of advocacy without some communication, and most communications are targeted at influencing opinions and decisions. This interrelatedness has resulted in the coinage of the term advocacy communication, intersecting both areas.


Artificial Intelligence has been in the works for some time, but has recently become indispensable to all tasks within the organisation, including messaging, audio-visual design and distribution. copywriting as well as general task scheduling and implementation. Today, the ability of organisations to compete and survive in a fast evolving advocacy and communication space is heavily reliant on their understanding and application of AI tools.


This one-week training covers all aspects of advocacy communication planning and strategy.


In a fast evolving communication landscape, this training will arm you with the knowledge and the skills required to prepare and implement an effective  plan of any scale, covering any geographical region, with or without a budget. 


For communication professionals, it provides cutting edge new insights into the modern advocacy and communication landscape, including artificial intelligence,  media, multimedia, social media, and digital marketing tactics. 


The training also provides optional courses on basic and/or professional photography and videography for storytelling, with additional presentations on ethical storytelling.  


For project managers and administrative officers, it provides the insights needed to understand and analyse advocacy and communication plans, make informed administrative and budgeting decisions, as well as give constructive feedback to advocacy  communication teams.


For directors and spokespersons, this training will arm you with the capacity to monitor and better prepare, measure and ameliorate the evolution and impact of your advocacy and communication, as well as impart you with the skill to become better spokespersons and lobbyists in public and in private.


Finally, the training provides the option to use one actual campaign as a case study, as well as consultation support post-training for the practical implementation of tactics learned. 

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